[RFC] Add limited sandbox capability to "make check"
Ngie Cooper (yaneurabeya)
2017-08-12 23:04:11 UTC
I am proposing a change to “make check” in the source tree that mirrors what other open source projects do when executing “make check” in terms of not requiring the libraries/programs and tests to be installed to the system when running “make check”. I have opened up the following CRs on Phabricator for the change:
- https://reviews.freebsd.org/D11905 - Add limited sandbox capability to "make check"
- https://reviews.freebsd.org/D12014 - Supporting changes for `Add limited sandbox capability to "make check”`
The first CR has been open for approximately a week and needs to be reviewed. The second CR is the mechanical changes that would be required in order for the changes in D11905 to take effect.
I would really like some help reviewing the change because I am proposing something (infrastructure-wise) that is meant to improve others being able to execute tests, as the amount of testing done via the FreeBSD Test Suite [as a whole] is smaller than I would like.
This change is not meant to supplant executing the entire suite, as need be, or other CI solutions — it’s meant to be a sane developer shortcut which would improve dev->test->commit velocity and [hopefully] reduce the number of commits without proper testing done beforehand.
Thank you,
