browsers test -conkeror, dooble-2018 , surf, uzbl, qutebrowser-2018 , qupzilla, firefox60, tor8, firefox52.6-esr 2018
milstar2 via freebsd-arch
2018-02-19 19:56:23 UTC
Dooble -how can disable 1 row ?
1 row + title of windows -no any demand for 1 row ,
can made small icons in 2 row ,no demand for long adress bar
2row < > reload adress bar(not verylong) + small icons for windows ,

kali2018 w-06,DE xfce4 deleted ,all theme's,icons deleted (find / -name *icon*),installed wm openbox
open 3 x11 (80x24),1- watch -n1 iw dev wlaqn0 link ,2-top
+1 window 160x48 with browser

clip from youtube

1.conkeror-all work from start after installation ,very good startup ,lowest consum ,
not more as 200 mb zop avail .memory before start and in time of playing clip
,XUL Mozilla ,no demand for extra lib downloading
2.dooble -second place approx 250-260 mb consum
3. surf sound in yt present ,no video ,high consum more as 400 mb
4. uzbl -no video and no sound ,need python ,by search duckduckgo consum 130-150 mb
5. qutebrowser -video and sound by yt present ,neede extra gtk2 ,pyhton ,
can login to e-mail ,but can type anything -asked quickmark ,cosum high
6.qupzilla -all work ,consum 320-250 mb
7. firefox 52.6 esr 2018 default -worst startup time ,memory consum more high as by qupzilla
8. firefox 60a1 with day ipdate -all work ,consum 550 mb
9.tor8 experemental -all work 550-580mb

Relevant comment would appreciated

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