[RFC] Change program prefix for bsnmpd for many files from snmpd to bsnmpd to avoid namespace pollution with net-snmp's snmpd daemon
Ngie Cooper (yaneurabeya)
2016-12-24 00:14:33 UTC
One of the things I noticed when trying to add uniform logging for bsnmpd (syslog.conf files, newsyslog.conf files) is that it clashes with net-snmp (which uses /var/log/snmpd.conf, program name exposed to syslog(9) is “snmpd"). Unfortunately, because the prefix is uniform between many files, changing just the log file prefix will change a number of other items. I’m asking for input on the following change:
- /etc/snmpd.conf -> /etc/bsnmpd.conf
- /var/run/snmpd.pid -> /var/run/bsnmpd.conf
I would also, create bsnmpd configs for newsyslog and syslogd when making this change.
The pidfile change is rather straightforward, but the config file might catch some folks. Are there any major concerns with renaming the config file?
